Bangladesh Canada Friendship Society

Bangladesh Fest 2024


Bangladesh Fest 2024

Bangladesh Festival is a celebration of Bangladeshi Crafts, Culture, Cuisine, Music, and much more, showcasing the distinct and unique contribution of Bangladeshi immigrants in Canadian cosmopolitan mosaic. Building on the success of our Inaugural Festival in 2023, we are looking forward to organizing Bangladesh Festival 2024. The key activities of the festival will include live performances by local and national artists, kiosks by budding local entrepreneurs featuring traditional South Asian food, clothing, jewelry, arts, books, and handicrafts, and live entertainment for kids.

By exhibiting the core cultural values and symbols of our community and organization, the event hopes to provide an inspiring and inclusive environment for various communities to learn from and appreciate each other’s heritage. This festival is open to the public, and we believe that visitors will travel from across Canada to experience this event.